James Harkins
2014-10-21 03:54:06 UTC
Moving this question to another thread -- Dan Zink wrote:
Then, I'm not sure if this was the environment I was in (lots of power
spikes to my soundcard) or the actual plugin, but SOMETHING in dewdrop
would blow up my jackd. The plugin was more of a convenience than a
neccessity, so I turned it off and went on with my life, but like I said,
it might have been the power spikes as well.
That's troubling, especially considering that dewdrop consists of
client-only extensions and doesn't touch Jack.
There are no server plugins in dewdrop_lib.
Can you state any more specifics about this?
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Then, I'm not sure if this was the environment I was in (lots of power
spikes to my soundcard) or the actual plugin, but SOMETHING in dewdrop
would blow up my jackd. The plugin was more of a convenience than a
neccessity, so I turned it off and went on with my life, but like I said,
it might have been the power spikes as well.
That's troubling, especially considering that dewdrop consists of
client-only extensions and doesn't touch Jack.
There are no server plugins in dewdrop_lib.
Can you state any more specifics about this?
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sc-users mailing list
info (subscription, etc.): http://www.beast.bham.ac.uk/research/sc_mailing_lists.shtml
archive: http://www.listarc.bham.ac.uk/marchives/sc-users/
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