Tim Walters
2014-09-23 20:13:29 UTC
Since the whole idea of SynthDef:send is to avoid caching the .scsyndef
file, shouldn't it write to and load from a temporary file when a def is
too large to send, rather than caching it? I do a lot of automatic
SynthDef generation that often creates large defs, and as a result I
sometimes have to wait quite a while when booting the server for the old
cruft to load (plus I now have stale defs on the server).
// boot server, then execute this
SynthDef(\foo, {
Out.ar(0, Mix.fill(500, FSinOsc.ar(ExpRand(50, 8000)).dup))
// --> WARNING: SynthDef foo too big for sending. Retrying via synthdef file
// quit server
// boot server
// warning again
// WARNING: SynthDef foo too big for sending. Retrying via synthdef file
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file, shouldn't it write to and load from a temporary file when a def is
too large to send, rather than caching it? I do a lot of automatic
SynthDef generation that often creates large defs, and as a result I
sometimes have to wait quite a while when booting the server for the old
cruft to load (plus I now have stale defs on the server).
// boot server, then execute this
SynthDef(\foo, {
Out.ar(0, Mix.fill(500, FSinOsc.ar(ExpRand(50, 8000)).dup))
// --> WARNING: SynthDef foo too big for sending. Retrying via synthdef file
// quit server
// boot server
// warning again
// WARNING: SynthDef foo too big for sending. Retrying via synthdef file
sc-users mailing list
info (subscription, etc.): http://www.beast.bham.ac.uk/research/sc_mailing_lists.shtml
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