2010-07-12 23:46:41 UTC
another day another problem, well many of them, but this one I can't
quite figure out, so please bear with me.
i've been writing a few classes to store presets by gui. i already ran
into some issues with asynchronous execution, so i guess that's
probably the problem here too.
basically i push a button to store a preset and i want a popup menu in
the same instance to be updated afterwards. the storing happens in a
different object.
so in the gui code i have this (in init)
storeButton = Button(view, Rect(49,7,38,22))
["store", Color.white,]
.action_({ |but|
var newItem;
newItem =; //calls the method in settings
//this is a method in the same class
item.postln // here comes the code to update the menu menu.add etc
//here is the method in settings that (unsurprisingly) stores
var path;
Dialog.savePanel({ |dialogPath|
var file;
path = dialogPath;
file = File(path, "w");
"returning " ++ path.asString;
^path // been googling and i understand that i shouldn't return
from a function instead of a method, but I don't see how as the code
ends prematurely
it seems i should use block for this, i just wouldn't know how : )
hope it is clear with the code, thought it more clear not to post the
entire classes.
ps here's the full error
ERROR: 'IsjGrainSettings-store' Out of context return of value: /Users/
Instance of IsjGrainSettings { (15C61750, gc=68, fmt=00, flg=00,
instance variables [37]
arrayA : instance of Array (0x15c60210, size=35, set=6)
arrayB : instance of Array (0x15c62c90, size=35, set=6)
playbackrate : Float 3.025751 00000000 400834BD
playbackrateRange : Float 0.300000 40000000 3FD33333
playbackrateMax : Float 3.669528 80000000 400D5B31
pan : Float 0.231760 E0000000 3FCDAA4C
panRange : Float 1.000000 00000000 3FF00000
panMax : Float 0.231760 E0000000 3FCDAA4C
amp : Float 0.864807 80000000 3FEBAC7F
ampRange : Float 0.100000 A0000000 3FB99999
ampMax : Float 0.937768 80000000 3FEE0232
off : Float 0.032189 40000000 3FA07B0E
offRange : Float 1.000000 00000000 3FF00000
offMax : Float 0.182403 E0000000 3FC758FE
buf : Integer 0
buf2 : Integer 2
blend : Float 0.692418 80000000 3FE6284A
blendMax : Float 1.000000 00000000 3FF00000
sus : Float 0.744700 40000000 3FE7D494
susRange : Float 0.090000 80000000 3FB70A3D
susMax : Float 0.834700 E0000000 3FEAB5DB
atk : Float 0.573026 20000000 3FE2563A
atkRange : Float 0.090000 80000000 3FB70A3D
atkMax : Float 0.663026 C0000000 3FE53781
rel : Float 0.405644 60000000 3FD9F611
relRange : Float 0.090000 80000000 3FB70A3D
relMax : Float 0.495644 A0000000 3FDFB8A0
atkCur : Float 0.296137 00000000 3FD2F3EA
atkCurRange : Float 8.000000 00000000 40200000
atkCurMax : Float 0.296137 00000000 3FD2F3EA
relCur : Float 0.244635 C0000000 3FCF5034
relCurRange : Float 8.000000 00000000 40200000
relCurMax : Float 0.244635 C0000000 3FCF5034
deltaTime : Float 0.113811 60000000 3FBD22BA
deltaTimeRange : Float 0.090000 80000000 3FB70A3D
deltaTimeMax : Float 0.236128 60000000 3FCE3970
verbRoom : Float 50.000000 00000000 40490000
MethodError:reportError 15C42290
arg this = <instance of OutOfContextReturnError>
Nil:handleError 15AFDC40
arg this = nil
arg error = <instance of OutOfContextReturnError>
Thread:handleError 15C40950
arg this = <instance of Thread>
arg error = <instance of OutOfContextReturnError>
Object:throw 15C3FA90
arg this = <instance of OutOfContextReturnError>
Object:outOfContextReturn 15C421D0
arg this = <instance of IsjGrainSettings>
arg method = IsjGrainSettings:store
arg result = "/Users/isjtar/Code/SuperColl..."
< FunctionDef in Method IsjGrainSettings:store > 15C3F5B0
arg dialogPath = "/Users/isjtar/Code/SuperColl..."
var file = <instance of File>
Meta_CocoaDialog:ok 15C40070
arg this = class CocoaDialog
var res = "/Users/isjtar/Code/SuperColl..."
another day another problem, well many of them, but this one I can't
quite figure out, so please bear with me.
i've been writing a few classes to store presets by gui. i already ran
into some issues with asynchronous execution, so i guess that's
probably the problem here too.
basically i push a button to store a preset and i want a popup menu in
the same instance to be updated afterwards. the storing happens in a
different object.
so in the gui code i have this (in init)
storeButton = Button(view, Rect(49,7,38,22))
["store", Color.white,]
.action_({ |but|
var newItem;
newItem =; //calls the method in settings
//this is a method in the same class
item.postln // here comes the code to update the menu menu.add etc
//here is the method in settings that (unsurprisingly) stores
var path;
Dialog.savePanel({ |dialogPath|
var file;
path = dialogPath;
file = File(path, "w");
"returning " ++ path.asString;
^path // been googling and i understand that i shouldn't return
from a function instead of a method, but I don't see how as the code
ends prematurely
it seems i should use block for this, i just wouldn't know how : )
hope it is clear with the code, thought it more clear not to post the
entire classes.
ps here's the full error
ERROR: 'IsjGrainSettings-store' Out of context return of value: /Users/
Instance of IsjGrainSettings { (15C61750, gc=68, fmt=00, flg=00,
instance variables [37]
arrayA : instance of Array (0x15c60210, size=35, set=6)
arrayB : instance of Array (0x15c62c90, size=35, set=6)
playbackrate : Float 3.025751 00000000 400834BD
playbackrateRange : Float 0.300000 40000000 3FD33333
playbackrateMax : Float 3.669528 80000000 400D5B31
pan : Float 0.231760 E0000000 3FCDAA4C
panRange : Float 1.000000 00000000 3FF00000
panMax : Float 0.231760 E0000000 3FCDAA4C
amp : Float 0.864807 80000000 3FEBAC7F
ampRange : Float 0.100000 A0000000 3FB99999
ampMax : Float 0.937768 80000000 3FEE0232
off : Float 0.032189 40000000 3FA07B0E
offRange : Float 1.000000 00000000 3FF00000
offMax : Float 0.182403 E0000000 3FC758FE
buf : Integer 0
buf2 : Integer 2
blend : Float 0.692418 80000000 3FE6284A
blendMax : Float 1.000000 00000000 3FF00000
sus : Float 0.744700 40000000 3FE7D494
susRange : Float 0.090000 80000000 3FB70A3D
susMax : Float 0.834700 E0000000 3FEAB5DB
atk : Float 0.573026 20000000 3FE2563A
atkRange : Float 0.090000 80000000 3FB70A3D
atkMax : Float 0.663026 C0000000 3FE53781
rel : Float 0.405644 60000000 3FD9F611
relRange : Float 0.090000 80000000 3FB70A3D
relMax : Float 0.495644 A0000000 3FDFB8A0
atkCur : Float 0.296137 00000000 3FD2F3EA
atkCurRange : Float 8.000000 00000000 40200000
atkCurMax : Float 0.296137 00000000 3FD2F3EA
relCur : Float 0.244635 C0000000 3FCF5034
relCurRange : Float 8.000000 00000000 40200000
relCurMax : Float 0.244635 C0000000 3FCF5034
deltaTime : Float 0.113811 60000000 3FBD22BA
deltaTimeRange : Float 0.090000 80000000 3FB70A3D
deltaTimeMax : Float 0.236128 60000000 3FCE3970
verbRoom : Float 50.000000 00000000 40490000
MethodError:reportError 15C42290
arg this = <instance of OutOfContextReturnError>
Nil:handleError 15AFDC40
arg this = nil
arg error = <instance of OutOfContextReturnError>
Thread:handleError 15C40950
arg this = <instance of Thread>
arg error = <instance of OutOfContextReturnError>
Object:throw 15C3FA90
arg this = <instance of OutOfContextReturnError>
Object:outOfContextReturn 15C421D0
arg this = <instance of IsjGrainSettings>
arg method = IsjGrainSettings:store
arg result = "/Users/isjtar/Code/SuperColl..."
< FunctionDef in Method IsjGrainSettings:store > 15C3F5B0
arg dialogPath = "/Users/isjtar/Code/SuperColl..."
var file = <instance of File>
Meta_CocoaDialog:ok 15C40070
arg this = class CocoaDialog
var res = "/Users/isjtar/Code/SuperColl..."