2014-09-26 06:53:48 UTC
Hello everyone,
I ask again a question of my previous post in which I have not yet found a
I am trying to use a control bus with a proxyspace but with the following
code I get an error message.
Where am I wrong?
Thanks in advance
c = Bus.control(s, 24);
o = OSCFunc({ arg msg;
(msg[2].value.asString++":"++msg[3].value.asString).postln; c.setAt(msg[2],
msg[3].value)}, '/ID', nil, nil, ['0', nil, nil] );
p = ProxySpace.push();
~grano = { |freq = 0.5|*1000) };;\freq, c.index);
but I get the following error when evaluate the last line of code
(\freq, c.index);):
ERROR: map: not a node proxy
Exception:reportError 0x44e3830
arg this = <instance of Error>
Nil:handleError 0x453e710
arg this = nil
arg error = <instance of Error>
Thread:handleError 0x44e1250
arg this = <instance of Thread>
arg error = <instance of Error>
Object:throw 0x452d010
arg this = <instance of Error>
< FunctionDef in Method ProxyNodeMap:map > 0x54f1cb0
arg key = 'freq'
arg mapProxy = 0
var setting = nil
var numChannels = nil
Integer:forBy 0x54f0770
arg this = 0
arg endval = 0
arg stepval = 2
arg function = <instance of Function>
var i = 0
var j = 0
SequenceableCollection:pairsDo 0x54a8550
arg this = [*2]
arg function = <instance of Function>
ProxyNodeMap:map 0x5d38810
arg this = <instance of ProxyNodeMap>
arg args = [*2]
var playing = true
NodeProxy:map 0x55fc130
arg this = <instance of NodeProxy>
arg args = [*2]
var bundle = <instance of List>
Interpreter:interpretPrintCmdLine 0x44ab350
arg this = <instance of Interpreter>
var res = nil
var func = <instance of Function>
var code = "\freq, c.index);"
var doc = nil
var ideClass = <instance of Meta_ScIDE>
Process:interpretPrintCmdLine 0x5d30770
arg this = <instance of Main>
^^ The preceding error dump is for ERROR: map: not a node proxy
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Sent from the SuperCollider Users New (Use this!!!!) mailing list archive at
sc-users mailing list
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I ask again a question of my previous post in which I have not yet found a
I am trying to use a control bus with a proxyspace but with the following
code I get an error message.
Where am I wrong?
Thanks in advance
c = Bus.control(s, 24);
o = OSCFunc({ arg msg;
(msg[2].value.asString++":"++msg[3].value.asString).postln; c.setAt(msg[2],
msg[3].value)}, '/ID', nil, nil, ['0', nil, nil] );
p = ProxySpace.push();
~grano = { |freq = 0.5|*1000) };;\freq, c.index);
but I get the following error when evaluate the last line of code
(\freq, c.index);):
ERROR: map: not a node proxy
Exception:reportError 0x44e3830
arg this = <instance of Error>
Nil:handleError 0x453e710
arg this = nil
arg error = <instance of Error>
Thread:handleError 0x44e1250
arg this = <instance of Thread>
arg error = <instance of Error>
Object:throw 0x452d010
arg this = <instance of Error>
< FunctionDef in Method ProxyNodeMap:map > 0x54f1cb0
arg key = 'freq'
arg mapProxy = 0
var setting = nil
var numChannels = nil
Integer:forBy 0x54f0770
arg this = 0
arg endval = 0
arg stepval = 2
arg function = <instance of Function>
var i = 0
var j = 0
SequenceableCollection:pairsDo 0x54a8550
arg this = [*2]
arg function = <instance of Function>
ProxyNodeMap:map 0x5d38810
arg this = <instance of ProxyNodeMap>
arg args = [*2]
var playing = true
NodeProxy:map 0x55fc130
arg this = <instance of NodeProxy>
arg args = [*2]
var bundle = <instance of List>
Interpreter:interpretPrintCmdLine 0x44ab350
arg this = <instance of Interpreter>
var res = nil
var func = <instance of Function>
var code = "\freq, c.index);"
var doc = nil
var ideClass = <instance of Meta_ScIDE>
Process:interpretPrintCmdLine 0x5d30770
arg this = <instance of Main>
^^ The preceding error dump is for ERROR: map: not a node proxy
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Sent from the SuperCollider Users New (Use this!!!!) mailing list archive at
sc-users mailing list
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