Hanns Holger Rutz
2014-09-08 15:56:59 UTC
hey there,
a quick question: if I have a speakers on a 2D grid, roughly in
'triangular' decomposition; is there a VBAP plugin or something similar
that gives me relative gain factors for example of the nearest three or
four speakers wrt a given 2D "source" coordinate, using some standard
panning/weighting function.
i know i can of course calculate the euclidean distance of the source
towards all channels (that would be 48 in this case), but in terms of
CPU usage, i'd prefer to work lets say with three Select.ar UGens and
three `*` BinaryOpUGens...
thanks, .h.h.
sc-users mailing list
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a quick question: if I have a speakers on a 2D grid, roughly in
'triangular' decomposition; is there a VBAP plugin or something similar
that gives me relative gain factors for example of the nearest three or
four speakers wrt a given 2D "source" coordinate, using some standard
panning/weighting function.
i know i can of course calculate the euclidean distance of the source
towards all channels (that would be 48 in this case), but in terms of
CPU usage, i'd prefer to work lets say with three Select.ar UGens and
three `*` BinaryOpUGens...
thanks, .h.h.
sc-users mailing list
info (subscription, etc.): http://www.beast.bham.ac.uk/research/sc_mailing_lists.shtml
archive: http://www.listarc.bham.ac.uk/marchives/sc-users/
search: http://www.listarc.bham.ac.uk/lists/sc-users/search/