Optimising BeagleBone Black
Erik Natanael Gustafsson
2014-10-19 08:09:27 UTC

As I mentioned in another thread I have just installed sc on a BeagleBone
Black revC using

However, if I compare my benchmarks with Fredriks (
my build seems a whole lot slower

Fredriks bbb: 0.67 scserver+jackd running
My bbb: between 0.9 and 1.1 scserver+jackd running

Fredriks bbb: avg ~49.5%
My bbb: avg ~80%

I'm on bone debian 7.4, kernel 3.8.13-bone47. Any idea why my build is so
much slower or what I can do to speed it up?

Fredrik Olofsson
2014-10-19 10:28:07 UTC
are you powering you bbb from usb jack? then i believe the cpu is capped at 300mhz. try powering it from the barrel jack or P9:5-6 headers and double check that you're running at 1000mhz with the command: cpufreq-info

(and of course you should have compiled sc with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" just like the instructions say.)
As I mentioned in another thread I have just installed sc on a BeagleBone Black revC using http://supercollider.github.io/development/building-beagleboneblack.html
However, if I compare my benchmarks with Fredriks (http://new-supercollider-mailing-lists-forums-use-these.2681727.n2.nabble.com/beagle-board-raspberry-Pi-td7605738.html#a7605768) my build seems a whole lot slower
Fredriks bbb: 0.67 scserver+jackd running
My bbb: between 0.9 and 1.1 scserver+jackd running
Fredriks bbb: avg ~49.5%
My bbb: avg ~80%
I'm on bone debian 7.4, kernel 3.8.13-bone47. Any idea why my build is so much slower or what I can do to speed it up?
fredrikolofsson.com musicalfieldsforever.com

sc-users mailing list

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Erik Natanael Gustafsson
2014-10-19 19:48:55 UTC
You are right, the cpu seems capped at 300Mhz. I have both 5V external
power and USB connected (ssh via USB), so maybe it is confused? Nope, same
result if I have only external power and ethernet. But I can set the
governor to "performance" and it will ramp up the CPU to 1000MHz and I get
the same result as you did. I wonder why the "ondemand" governor isn't
increasing the clock frequency, but maybe I'll just change the default
governor. "sudo cpufreq-set -f 1000MHz" doesn't work though for some reason.

Solution: set the CPU governor to "performance" with "sudo cpufreq-set -g

Post by Fredrik Olofsson
are you powering you bbb from usb jack? then i believe the cpu is capped
at 300mhz. try powering it from the barrel jack or P9:5-6 headers and
double check that you're running at 1000mhz with the command: cpufreq-info
(and of course you should have compiled sc with
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" just like the instructions say.)
19 okt 2014 kl. 10:09 skrev Erik Natanael Gustafsson <
Post by Erik Natanael Gustafsson
As I mentioned in another thread I have just installed sc on a
BeagleBone Black revC using
Post by Erik Natanael Gustafsson
However, if I compare my benchmarks with Fredriks (
my build seems a whole lot slower
Post by Erik Natanael Gustafsson
Fredriks bbb: 0.67 scserver+jackd running
My bbb: between 0.9 and 1.1 scserver+jackd running
Fredriks bbb: avg ~49.5%
My bbb: avg ~80%
I'm on bone debian 7.4, kernel 3.8.13-bone47. Any idea why my build is
so much slower or what I can do to speed it up?
Post by Erik Natanael Gustafsson
fredrikolofsson.com musicalfieldsforever.com
sc-users mailing list
archive: http://www.listarc.bham.ac.uk/marchives/sc-users/
search: http://www.listarc.bham.ac.uk/lists/sc-users/search/