SC CVing modular via MOTU 24io
Tom Charles-Edwards
2014-08-18 17:13:47 UTC

new SuperCollider user here! :)

I am trying to use SC to control a modular through a MOTU 24io (which is, conveniently, DC-coupled). I have been lead to believe the MOTU can output up to +/-4.6V. To test this I am
playing an LFO in SC, but it is very faint when it comes out of the MOTU to my multimeter. The mul argument has no effect, whether it is 1 or 10000. The meter is working, because I'm
getting a healthy +/-5V swing at the meter from a modular LFO. What should I change?



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henrique matias
2014-08-18 17:29:10 UTC
Have you seen this blog post?


This might help you.
Post by Tom Charles-Edwards
new SuperCollider user here! :)
I am trying to use SC to control a modular through a MOTU 24io (which is,
conveniently, DC-coupled). I have been lead to believe the MOTU can output
up to +/-4.6V. To test this I am
playing an LFO in SC, but it is very faint when it comes out of the MOTU
to my multimeter. The mul argument has no effect, whether it is 1 or 10000.
The meter is working, because I'm
getting a healthy +/-5V swing at the meter from a modular LFO. What should I change?
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2014-08-20 02:39:49 UTC
Glad to see that blog post might be of some use. Here is a link to a later
one which incorporates sending oscillator audio and gate signals out of


And here is a 2nd video, with maybe slightly more interesting music (using
two voices).


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Sent from the SuperCollider Users New (Use this!!!!) mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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henrique matias
2014-08-20 13:03:15 UTC
Some modules on eurorack will need you to drive the AMP really right.

Them you will need an AMP module, like http://www.doepfer.de/a1833.htm in
order to amplify it...

At least that is what happened to me when sending line level stuff ( which
i believe is what you doing? or does the floating ring cable fix the AMP
issue as well? )
Post by carltesta
Glad to see that blog post might be of some use. Here is a link to a later
one which incorporates sending oscillator audio and gate signals out of
And here is a 2nd video, with maybe slightly more interesting music (using
two voices).
Sent from the SuperCollider Users New (Use this!!!!) mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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2014-08-20 13:07:55 UTC
I used an amp module on the audio signal but not the gate signal I believe.
And I only used a floating-ring cable on the gate signal.

All I know is that it worked for my purposes in the moment.


On Wednesday, August 20, 2014, henrique matias [via New SuperCollider
Mailing Lists Forums (Use These!!!)] <
Post by henrique matias
Some modules on eurorack will need you to drive the AMP really right.
Them you will need an AMP module, like http://www.doepfer.de/a1833.htm in
order to amplify it...
At least that is what happened to me when sending line level stuff ( which
i believe is what you doing? or does the floating ring cable fix the AMP
issue as well? )
On 20 August 2014 03:39, carltesta <[hidden email]
Post by carltesta
Glad to see that blog post might be of some use. Here is a link to a later
one which incorporates sending oscillator audio and gate signals out of
And here is a 2nd video, with maybe slightly more interesting music (using
two voices).
Two Voice SuperCollider and Modular Synth Demo
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View this message in context: http://new-supercollider-mailing-lists-forums-use-these.2681727.n2.nabble.com/SC-CVing-modular-via-MOTU-24io-tp7612943p7612962.html
Sent from the SuperCollider Users New (Use this!!!!) mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
henrique matias
2014-08-20 15:55:25 UTC
Yes! that is what i tried to say!

Some Euro rack efx units will need you to amplify your signal
Post by carltesta
I used an amp module on the audio signal but not the gate signal I
believe. And I only used a floating-ring cable on the gate signal.
All I know is that it worked for my purposes in the moment.
On Wednesday, August 20, 2014, henrique matias [via New SuperCollider
Mailing Lists Forums (Use These!!!)] <[hidden email]
Post by henrique matias
Some modules on eurorack will need you to drive the AMP really right.
Them you will need an AMP module, like http://www.doepfer.de/a1833.htm
in order to amplify it...
At least that is what happened to me when sending line level stuff (
which i believe is what you doing? or does the floating ring cable fix the
AMP issue as well? )
On 20 August 2014 03:39, carltesta <[hidden email]
Post by carltesta
Glad to see that blog post might be of some use. Here is a link to a later
one which incorporates sending oscillator audio and gate signals out of
And here is a 2nd video, with maybe slightly more interesting music (using
two voices).
Two Voice SuperCollider and Modular Synth Demo
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archive at Nabble.com.
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View this message in context: Re: SC CVing modular via MOTU 24io
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at Nabble.com.
Tom Charles-Edwards
2014-08-18 18:27:06 UTC
Hello Henrique,

thanks for the quick reply! :) Cool to see other people having success with this.

Cable from interface to meter is TRS. Probes on tip and sleeve. LFO from SC is swinging mV at the meter. Audio patch examples from the first chapter of the SC book sound fine
through the MOTU 24io into another interface. LFO from modular swings +/- 5V at the meter just fine. I take it a full amplitude LFO from SC shouldn't be swinging through merely mV?


Message Received: Aug 18 2014, 06:29 PM
Subject: Re: [sc-users] SC CVing modular via MOTU 24io
Have you seen this blog post?
This might help you.
Post by Tom Charles-Edwards
new SuperCollider user here! :)
I am trying to use SC to control a modular through a MOTU 24io (which is,
conveniently, DC-coupled). I have been lead to believe the MOTU can output
up to +/-4.6V. To test this I am
playing an LFO in SC, but it is very faint when it comes out of the MOTU
to my multimeter. The mul argument has no effect, whether it is 1 or 10000.
The meter is working, because I'm
getting a healthy +/-5V swing at the meter from a modular LFO. What should
I change?
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Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
2014-08-19 11:27:17 UTC
to make it work you need a floating-ring-cable otherwise you send the negative phase to the ground, in effect cancelling.

I had success with my Motu, and the headphone of my RME (the only dc-coupled out on the RME400) but I was tired of the low voltage (4.2v) so I invested in an Expert-Sleepers ES3 and ES6

since then, I'm a happy man.

Post by Tom Charles-Edwards
Hello Henrique,
thanks for the quick reply! :) Cool to see other people having success with this.
Cable from interface to meter is TRS. Probes on tip and sleeve. LFO from SC is swinging mV at the meter. Audio patch examples from the first chapter of the SC book sound fine
through the MOTU 24io into another interface. LFO from modular swings +/- 5V at the meter just fine. I take it a full amplitude LFO from SC shouldn't be swinging through merely mV?
Message Received: Aug 18 2014, 06:29 PM
Subject: Re: [sc-users] SC CVing modular via MOTU 24io
Have you seen this blog post?
This might help you.
Post by Tom Charles-Edwards
new SuperCollider user here! :)
I am trying to use SC to control a modular through a MOTU 24io (which is,
conveniently, DC-coupled). I have been lead to believe the MOTU can output
up to +/-4.6V. To test this I am
playing an LFO in SC, but it is very faint when it comes out of the MOTU
to my multimeter. The mul argument has no effect, whether it is 1 or 10000.
The meter is working, because I'm
getting a healthy +/-5V swing at the meter from a modular LFO. What should
I change?
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Tom Charles-Edwards
2014-08-20 19:03:39 UTC
Carl, Henrique and Pierre, thanks for the replies! :)

I know what a floating-ring cable is. That's not relevant at this point. I have the probes of my meter connected to tip and sleeve on the cable coming from the MOTU, i.e. the ring is
floating. My objective is to see how far I can get a SC LFO to swing the voltage my meter is measuring. I want it as close to +/-5V as possible. As far as I know the MOTU 24io should
be able to output +/-4.6V. The SC LFO is currently swinging the voltage only through mV. My question is what, besides the mul argument to the LFO, is limiting the amplitude? Are there
some kind of server options I need to look at? Does using an audio or a control buss make a difference?

Thanks for your help,


sc-users mailing list

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henrique matias
2014-08-20 22:32:27 UTC
when you do


{SinOsc.ar( 55, 0, 1 )}.play


and look the volume output, how loud it goes on the "sc" meter?

and how many V you get in your voltage meter?
Post by Tom Charles-Edwards
Carl, Henrique and Pierre, thanks for the replies! :)
I know what a floating-ring cable is. That's not relevant at this point. I
have the probes of my meter connected to tip and sleeve on the cable coming
from the MOTU, i.e. the ring is
floating. My objective is to see how far I can get a SC LFO to swing the
voltage my meter is measuring. I want it as close to +/-5V as possible. As
far as I know the MOTU 24io should
be able to output +/-4.6V. The SC LFO is currently swinging the voltage
only through mV. My question is what, besides the mul argument to the LFO,
is limiting the amplitude? Are there
some kind of server options I need to look at? Does using an audio or a
control buss make a difference?
Thanks for your help,
sc-users mailing list
archive: http://www.listarc.bham.ac.uk/marchives/sc-users/
search: http://www.listarc.bham.ac.uk/lists/sc-users/search/
Michael Zacherl
2014-08-20 23:12:07 UTC
Post by henrique matias
when you do
{SinOsc.ar( 55, 0, 1 )}.play
why not

{DC.ar( 0.dbamp )}.play

for DC full scale?
Post by henrique matias
and look the volume output, how loud it goes on the "sc" meter?
and how many V you get in your voltage meter?
Carl, Henrique and Pierre, thanks for the replies! :)
I know what a floating-ring cable is. That's not relevant at this point. I have the probes of my meter connected to tip and sleeve on the cable coming from the MOTU, i.e. the ring is
floating. My objective is to see how far I can get a SC LFO to swing the voltage my meter is measuring. I want it as close to +/-5V as possible. As far as I know the MOTU 24io should
be able to output +/-4.6V. The SC LFO is currently swinging the voltage only through mV. My question is what, besides the mul argument to the LFO, is limiting the amplitude? Are there
some kind of server options I need to look at? Does using an audio or a control buss make a difference?


sc-users mailing list

info (subscription, etc.): http://www.beast.bham.ac.uk/research/sc_mailing_lists.shtml
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henrique matias
2014-08-21 11:10:07 UTC
No reason.

Actually one reason: I did not know DC

Post by Michael Zacherl
Post by henrique matias
when you do
{SinOsc.ar( 55, 0, 1 )}.play
why not
{DC.ar( 0.dbamp )}.play
for DC full scale?
Post by henrique matias
and look the volume output, how loud it goes on the "sc" meter?
and how many V you get in your voltage meter?
On 20 August 2014 20:03, Tom Charles-Edwards <
Carl, Henrique and Pierre, thanks for the replies! :)
I know what a floating-ring cable is. That's not relevant at this point.
I have the probes of my meter connected to tip and sleeve on the cable
coming from the MOTU, i.e. the ring is
Post by henrique matias
floating. My objective is to see how far I can get a SC LFO to swing the
voltage my meter is measuring. I want it as close to +/-5V as possible. As
far as I know the MOTU 24io should
Post by henrique matias
be able to output +/-4.6V. The SC LFO is currently swinging the voltage
only through mV. My question is what, besides the mul argument to the LFO,
is limiting the amplitude? Are there
Post by henrique matias
some kind of server options I need to look at? Does using an audio or a
control buss make a difference?
sc-users mailing list
archive: http://www.listarc.bham.ac.uk/marchives/sc-users/
search: http://www.listarc.bham.ac.uk/lists/sc-users/search/
❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂
❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁
henrique matias
2014-08-21 11:10:34 UTC
second reason: 55 hz is nice!

Post by henrique matias
No reason.
Actually one reason: I did not know DC
Post by Michael Zacherl
Post by henrique matias
when you do
{SinOsc.ar( 55, 0, 1 )}.play
why not
{DC.ar( 0.dbamp )}.play
for DC full scale?
Post by henrique matias
and look the volume output, how loud it goes on the "sc" meter?
and how many V you get in your voltage meter?
On 20 August 2014 20:03, Tom Charles-Edwards <
Carl, Henrique and Pierre, thanks for the replies! :)
I know what a floating-ring cable is. That's not relevant at this
point. I have the probes of my meter connected to tip and sleeve on the
cable coming from the MOTU, i.e. the ring is
Post by henrique matias
floating. My objective is to see how far I can get a SC LFO to swing
the voltage my meter is measuring. I want it as close to +/-5V as possible.
As far as I know the MOTU 24io should
Post by henrique matias
be able to output +/-4.6V. The SC LFO is currently swinging the voltage
only through mV. My question is what, besides the mul argument to the LFO,
is limiting the amplitude? Are there
Post by henrique matias
some kind of server options I need to look at? Does using an audio or a
control buss make a difference?
sc-users mailing list
archive: http://www.listarc.bham.ac.uk/marchives/sc-users/
search: http://www.listarc.bham.ac.uk/lists/sc-users/search/
❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂
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❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁ ❂ ❁
Michael Zacherl
2014-08-23 11:52:12 UTC
Post by henrique matias
second reason: 55 hz is nice!
I think that's the point:
Tom's second mail suggests that he sensibly utilises a DC-voltmeter. (he doesn't explicitly say, though)
At 55Hz I suspect the reading potentially will be way off the real peak-to-peak value Tom is looking for,
whereas s.meter will show peak and rms (?) values.
Tom's voltage meter readings should be around 0 at 55Hz (depending on the slew rate of the VM).

Post by henrique matias
Post by Tom Charles-Edwards
Carl, Henrique and Pierre, thanks for the replies! :)
I know what a floating-ring cable is. That's not relevant at this point.
I have the probes of my meter connected to tip and sleeve on the cable coming from the MOTU, i.e. the ring is
but that doesn't matter: connecting a ts-cable to the trs output indeed shorts the inverted output
to ground, on the audio interface's _output_ side.
You'd still get the non-inverted signal related to signal-ground on the tip.
Otherwise you never would be able using a non-balanced connection to, say, the mixer.
But: these are musical devices, with other criteria in terms of precision and quality.
Meaning, that you, for instance, won't get exactly 0V when sending 0 to the output, for instance. *)
Also the maximum voltage you get may differ from output to output and even the inverted output level may not be exactly the same.
You may need to compensate that in some calibration routine, either on the sc-side and/or the analogue hardware.
Mind, this doesn't matter in the audio-realm since the next (balanced) input stage in, say, a mixer removes any dc-components
in the signal, equalising these inaccuracies.
Post by henrique matias
Post by Tom Charles-Edwards
My objective is to see how far I can get a SC LFO to swing the voltage my meter is measuring.
I want it as close to +/-5V as possible. As far as I know the MOTU 24io should
be able to output +/-4.6V.
I tested my original Traveler (mk1) some years ago and just did the measurements again:

I get for the first two outputs on my MOTU Traveler these measured values:
out1 = 3.64 (+) 3.63 (-) (w/ xlr) – 3.47 (+) (1/4" ts)
out2 = 3.61 (+) 3.59 (-) (w/ xlr) – 3.50 (+) (1/4" ts) zero delivers -0.6mV (1/4" ts) *)
Post by henrique matias
The SC LFO is currently swinging the voltage only through mV.
see above.
Post by henrique matias
Post by Tom Charles-Edwards
My question is what, besides the mul argument to the LFO, is limiting the amplitude?
only that you can't go beyond 1.0 in amplitude.
in audio you of course can bang the signal against the wall, but the maximum logical value at the outputs you can get still is +/-1.0.
That equals all 24bit of the interface's DAC respectively roughly +/- 3.5V in my case.

hth, Michael.

*) at 1V/octave a semitone step is 83.333mV … so -0.6 mV _may_ make a difference in some applications.


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Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
2014-08-25 11:27:55 UTC
Post by Michael Zacherl
but that doesn't matter: connecting a ts-cable to the trs output indeed shorts the inverted output
to ground, on the audio interface's _output_ side.
that would be true if it was a TS connector in the module/pedal, and often that isn't the case - most that accept pedals as modulator (the moogerfoogers for instance) need a floating ring and I got strange results when not using one...
Post by Michael Zacherl
But: these are musical devices, with other criteria in terms of precision and quality.
Agreed, sadly. The Expert Sleeper hardware is pretty good though.
Post by Michael Zacherl
You may need to compensate that in some calibration routine, either on the sc-side and/or the analogue hardware.
anyway, you usually need this calibration for tuning (if you care about such things ;-)
Post by Michael Zacherl
That equals all 24bit of the interface's DAC respectively roughly +/- 3.5V in my case.
this is very much in phase with what I had, hence trying the RME (similar) and then investing in the ExpertSleepers. I don't have measuring tools at the moment to measure the value of 0 though, just a crap multimeter. If you want I can take them, if that is the difference between purchase or not (they are pricy)

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Michael Zacherl
2014-08-25 22:07:17 UTC
Post by Michael Zacherl
but that doesn't matter: connecting a ts-cable to the trs output indeed shorts the inverted output
to ground, on the audio interface's _output_ side.
that would be true if it was a TS connector in the module/pedal, and often that isn't the case - most that accept pedals as modulator (the moogerfoogers for instance) need a floating ring and I got strange results when not using one…
ah, ok - I just considered modular synthesisers to be controlled via the MOTU.

I now tested with my DIY-synth and used such a setup a couple of months ago in a project with a 1967 Moog Modular.

To see what it's about I just downloaded an arbitrary MF manual and found this (for the MF-107):

"CV/Expression Inputs: There are five standard 1⁄4" inputs for control voltages or expression pedals corresponding to the five controls:
Freq, Wave, Env. Amount, FM Amount, and Mix. All of these inputs accept an expression pedal like the Moog EP1 or EP2 with tip-ring-sleeve plugs, or a CV on standard tip-sleeve cables. "

That's confusing, because I take that as 'it should work' and OTOH expression pedals utilise TRS-plugs in order to work.
I think it depends on Tom's application he ought to elaborate, in order to properly trouble-shoot his problem.
Post by Michael Zacherl
But: these are musical devices, with other criteria in terms of precision and quality.
Agreed, sadly. The Expert Sleeper hardware is pretty good though.
yes, then again on mine I can see significant (in terms of being not in tune) deviations between the individual INs and OUTs.
That much that I had to remember what ES I/O went where in/from the patch to get the same results.
Also the ES hardware (at least my modules) don't have any trimmers or such
which would provide a hardware calibration within the module.
But that's perfectly ok, thus I don't complain.
Post by Michael Zacherl
You may need to compensate that in some calibration routine, either on the sc-side and/or the analogue hardware.
anyway, you usually need this calibration for tuning (if you care about such things ;-)
… and eventually use the ears to make things work as intended. ;)
Post by Michael Zacherl
That equals all 24bit of the interface's DAC respectively roughly +/- 3.5V in my case.
this is very much in phase with what I had, hence trying the RME (similar) and then investing in the ExpertSleepers. I don't have measuring tools at the moment to measure the value of 0 though, just a crap multimeter. If you want I can take them, if that is the difference between purchase or not (they are pricy)

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Michael Zacherl
2014-08-25 23:03:20 UTC
as so often, it apparently depends:
the MF-105 manual, p. 26 shows a drawing with floating ring:
Post by Michael Zacherl
Freq, Wave, Env. Amount, FM Amount, and Mix. All of these inputs accept an expression pedal like the Moog EP1 or EP2 with tip-ring-sleeve plugs, or a CV on standard tip-sleeve cables. "
That's confusing, because I take that as 'it should work' and OTOH expression pedals utilise TRS-plugs in order to work.

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henrique matias
2014-08-26 00:16:30 UTC
Post by Michael Zacherl
Post by Michael Zacherl
To see what it's about I just downloaded an arbitrary MF manual and
"CV/Expression Inputs: There are five standard 1⁄4" inputs for control
Freq, Wave, Env. Amount, FM Amount, and Mix. All of these inputs accept
an expression pedal like the Moog EP1 or EP2 with tip-ring-sleeve plugs, or
a CV on standard tip-sleeve cables. "
Post by Michael Zacherl
That's confusing, because I take that as 'it should work' and OTOH
expression pedals utilise TRS-plugs in order to work.
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Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
2014-08-26 12:33:56 UTC
Post by Michael Zacherl
Post by Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
Post by Michael Zacherl
You may need to compensate that in some calibration routine, either on the sc-side and/or the analogue hardware.
anyway, you usually need this calibration for tuning (if you care about such things ;-)
… and eventually use the ears to make things work as intended. ;)
indeed ;-)
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Tom Charles-Edwards
2014-08-23 21:16:13 UTC
Thanks for your help, Michael.

I'm a bit busy, but I'll have time to try that DC patch in the next couple of days. Meter set to read DC. Using TRS from interface, so the ring is floating. TS from modular. SC LFO patch
had the LFO cycling every 5 seconds.

Thanks :)

Message Received: Aug 23 2014, 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: [sc-users] SC CVing modular via MOTU 24io
Post by henrique matias
second reason: 55 hz is nice!
Tom's second mail suggests that he sensibly utilises a DC-voltmeter. (he doesn't explicitly say, though)
At 55Hz I suspect the reading potentially will be way off the real peak-to-peak value Tom is looking for,
whereas s.meter will show peak and rms (?) values.
Tom's voltage meter readings should be around 0 at 55Hz (depending on the slew rate of the VM).
Post by henrique matias
Post by Tom Charles-Edwards
Carl, Henrique and Pierre, thanks for the replies! :)
I know what a floating-ring cable is. That's not relevant at this point.
I have the probes of my meter connected to tip and sleeve on the cable coming from the MOTU, i.e. the ring is
but that doesn't matter: connecting a ts-cable to the trs output indeed shorts the inverted output
to ground, on the audio interface's _output_ side.
You'd still get the non-inverted signal related to signal-ground on the tip.
Otherwise you never would be able using a non-balanced connection to, say, the mixer.
But: these are musical devices, with other criteria in terms of precision and quality.
Meaning, that you, for instance, won't get exactly 0V when sending 0 to the output, for instance. *)
Also the maximum voltage you get may differ from output to output and even the inverted output level may not be exactly the same.
You may need to compensate that in some calibration routine, either on the sc-side and/or the analogue hardware.
Mind, this doesn't matter in the audio-realm since the next (balanced) input stage in, say, a mixer removes any dc-components
in the signal, equalising these inaccuracies.
Post by henrique matias
Post by Tom Charles-Edwards
My objective is to see how far I can get a SC LFO to swing the voltage my meter is measuring.
I want it as close to +/-5V as possible. As far as I know the MOTU 24io should
be able to output +/-4.6V.
out1 = 3.64 (+) 3.63 (-) (w/ xlr) – 3.47 (+) (1/4" ts)
out2 = 3.61 (+) 3.59 (-) (w/ xlr) – 3.50 (+) (1/4" ts) zero delivers -0.6mV (1/4" ts) *)
Post by henrique matias
The SC LFO is currently swinging the voltage only through mV.
see above.
Post by henrique matias
Post by Tom Charles-Edwards
My question is what, besides the mul argument to the LFO, is limiting the amplitude?
only that you can't go beyond 1.0 in amplitude.
in audio you of course can bang the signal against the wall, but the maximum logical value at the outputs you can get still is +/-1.0.
That equals all 24bit of the interface's DAC respectively roughly +/- 3.5V in my case.
hth, Michael.
*) at 1V/octave a semitone step is 83.333mV … so -0.6 mV _may_ make a difference in some applications.
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Tom Charles-Edwards
2014-08-25 14:04:58 UTC
Bingo! :)

That DC patch did it - thanks very much for your help. Steady 4.55V from output 1. I'm aware of calibration issue (channels not at same DC level relative to each other), so will now test
all the other outputs. Progress! :)


Message Received: Aug 21 2014, 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: [sc-users] SC CVing modular via MOTU 24io
Post by henrique matias
when you do
{SinOsc.ar( 55, 0, 1 )}.play
why not
{DC.ar( 0.dbamp )}.play
for DC full scale?
Post by henrique matias
and look the volume output, how loud it goes on the "sc" meter?
and how many V you get in your voltage meter?
Carl, Henrique and Pierre, thanks for the replies! :)
I know what a floating-ring cable is. That's not relevant at this point. I have the probes of my meter connected to tip and sleeve on the cable coming from the MOTU, i.e. the ring is
floating. My objective is to see how far I can get a SC LFO to swing the voltage my meter is measuring. I want it as close to +/-5V as possible. As far as I know the MOTU 24io
Post by henrique matias
be able to output +/-4.6V. The SC LFO is currently swinging the voltage only through mV. My question is what, besides the mul argument to the LFO, is limiting the amplitude? Are
Post by henrique matias
some kind of server options I need to look at? Does using an audio or a control buss make a difference?
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Michael Zacherl
2014-08-25 22:36:18 UTC
Post by Tom Charles-Edwards
That DC patch did it - thanks very much for your help. Steady 4.55V from output 1. I'm aware of calibration issue (channels not at same DC level relative to each other), so will now test
all the other outputs. Progress! :)
good to hear! BTW, I tested my DMM and found it stops delivering proper readings at frequencies faster than 0.3 Hz! ;)

- Michael.


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Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
2014-08-29 13:46:37 UTC
ok for the sake of completeness, the ES-3 outputs 10.5 V DC with DC.ar(1).

The 8 values I have at 0 are

not too bad, but definitely needs auto-calibration. I do my prototypes in Max but I reckon a version in SC with the SCMIR would make sense... if I ever port it, would there be interested people?

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2014-08-29 16:16:16 UTC
Thanks for this Pierre. I would certainly be interested in a port as I hope
to get an ES-3 and ES-4 sometime in the future.


On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Pierre Alexandre Tremblay [via New
SuperCollider Mailing Lists Forums (Use These!!!)] <
Post by Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
ok for the sake of completeness, the ES-3 outputs 10.5 V DC with DC.ar(1).
The 8 values I have at 0 are
not too bad, but definitely needs auto-calibration. I do my prototypes in
Max but I reckon a version in SC with the SCMIR would make sense... if I
ever port it, would there be interested people?
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henrique matias
2014-08-29 21:45:28 UTC
I have an ES-4 would definitely LOVE to control it via SC ( :

Post by carltesta
Thanks for this Pierre. I would certainly be interested in a port as I
hope to get an ES-3 and ES-4 sometime in the future.
On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Pierre Alexandre Tremblay [via New
SuperCollider Mailing Lists Forums (Use These!!!)] <[hidden email]
Post by Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
ok for the sake of completeness, the ES-3 outputs 10.5 V DC with DC.ar(1).
The 8 values I have at 0 are
not too bad, but definitely needs auto-calibration. I do my prototypes in
Max but I reckon a version in SC with the SCMIR would make sense... if I
ever port it, would there be interested people?
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Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
2014-09-16 13:25:59 UTC

I've not forgotten this thread, I'm just incredibly busy ;-)

It'll come in the next week, I promise. SCMIR will need to be learnt as I use descriptors~ for the pitch tracking of the self-calibration...

Post by carltesta
Thanks for this Pierre. I would certainly be interested in a port as I
hope to get an ES-3 and ES-4 sometime in the future.
On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Pierre Alexandre Tremblay [via New
SuperCollider Mailing Lists Forums (Use These!!!)] <[hidden email]
Post by Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
ok for the sake of completeness, the ES-3 outputs 10.5 V DC with DC.ar(1).
The 8 values I have at 0 are
not too bad, but definitely needs auto-calibration. I do my prototypes in
Max but I reckon a version in SC with the SCMIR would make sense... if I
ever port it, would there be interested people?
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henrique matias
2014-09-17 21:09:11 UTC

really awesome
Post by Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
I've not forgotten this thread, I'm just incredibly busy ;-)
It'll come in the next week, I promise. SCMIR will need to be learnt as I
use descriptors~ for the pitch tracking of the self-calibration...
Post by henrique matias
Post by carltesta
Thanks for this Pierre. I would certainly be interested in a port as I
hope to get an ES-3 and ES-4 sometime in the future.
On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Pierre Alexandre Tremblay [via New
SuperCollider Mailing Lists Forums (Use These!!!)] <[hidden email]
Post by Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
ok for the sake of completeness, the ES-3 outputs 10.5 V DC with DC.ar(1).
The 8 values I have at 0 are
not too bad, but definitely needs auto-calibration. I do my prototypes
Post by henrique matias
Post by carltesta
Post by Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
Max but I reckon a version in SC with the SCMIR would make sense... if
Post by henrique matias
Post by carltesta
Post by Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
ever port it, would there be interested people?
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